Friday, September 11, 2009


YAY!!! I am getting tickets next week for Skillet!!!! :D :D :D Ok, so for those of you who don't know Skillet is a Christian rock band. Yea, ok I know what you're probably thinking " what are they going to preach to me?" Actually, no! Yea some of their songs you can tell that they're talking about God, but others no you can't tell. Actually you might have heard one of their songs. "Those Nights". I know for a fact that it plays in Aeropostale sometimes. I can't wait. Anyways!! My friend Heather and I are going. I am going to buy her ticket for her Christmas present. Hopefully she'll be able to get off from work. I mean it starts at 7 pm so if anything if she could work that morning that would work too. Well, I also found out that a girl at my work like loves them too! So I'm like yes!!!! So she's going to go with us too...and here's the good news....if something happens to where Heather can't go...I won't have to go alone!! YAY!! haha. I really don't want to go alone, but I am not going to miss them again. Yea, they came here 2 years ago with a tour called Winter Jam. That is pretty much a Christian concert. A lot of different christian bands come and play. Well, I had tickets and i was so close to getting in. Like there were literally like maybe 20 people in front of us and then they closed the doors. We're like WHAT?! They're like we've reached capacity. I'm thinking...that's bs. It was ridiculous. People were coming out because half of their group was inside and the other half was outside. And so the half that was inside came out. And they still would not let anyone in!! I'm like WTH???? I was so upset. But that's not going to happen this time. I'm going to make sure that I get into this one. But I will definitely keep y'all posted and let you know what happens :D.

TTYL <3>

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


so how bad am i? I haven't updated this thing in over a week now. sorry :(. Anyways, let me tell you what's been going on with me. Well, I've been going to school, and working. Yea, that's it. Sad isn't it? Well, I did go to the ER for some ...personal stuff. Anyways, long story short, I have to go see a special doctor and get it checked!!!!! But I guess I'll make that a separate blog.

Oh, speaking of separate blogs, I never made one about that whole situation at work. Ok, I'll just do that here real quick. I'll give you the short version. Every night we take the bank deposit to the bank after we close. Well everyday except Friday and Saturday. Well, an associate has to follow a manager and sign a paper saying that they witnessed them dropping it off. Well, I signed it so I had to follow my manager. Ok, well, this person...I'm not going to say any names...accidentally headed home instead of following me, or heading to the bank. I was fixing something in my car so she left before me. I thought she had just gotten there and left. (which is still against policy) But I called her and asked where she was. She said she was on her way home and that she forgot. But she said she was on her way back. She lives close to downtown. I told her I'd wait for her and she said to just go ahead. I made sure 3 times that it was ok before I left. She said yea. make an even longer story short...I was talking to another manager about it cuz I found it funny that she just left and it blew up into this whole thing. We got it all fixed and everything like that, but she basically hates me now....which is fine because I didn't do anything wrong.

So that is basically the back story to I think 2 of the blogs that I've done on here. Everything is worked out when it comes to policies and punishment, but she still hates me and no matter what she not stupid. I can tell. But I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

So, let's see. What else has gone on? I honestly can't think of too much. How about just a random room is still a mess. I honestly should be cleaning it right now, but I'm not..haha. I have tomorrow off and I guess I'll do it then. I might start it tonight though. Who knows maybe something will put me in the cleaning mood and I'll just like go to town or whatever.

So, I'm watching the Obama speech tonight. He's talking about the health care system. I can't honestly say that I know exactly what he's talking about, but I still like listening to him. Ok, so I'm going to give you my opinion on Obama. I think he's awesome! I voted for him. I'll come right out and say it because I think he is going to make this nation much better than what it was when Bush left it. I still don't understand how Bush got elected for a second term, but whatever. Now, my thoughts on people who are trying to like make all these accusations against Obama.....SHUT THE HELL UP!!!. Ok, so here are some of the accusations that I know of. 1) Obama is not a christian. - Ok, so yea, when he was sworn in as a senator or whatever he was supposedly sworn in on the Koran. Ok, but he did turn against that church after hearing some of the things that the preacher was saying. And he was sworn in on the BIBLE when he was elected president. 2) People don't like the fact that he is African-American. - Ok, first off, it's the effing 21st century.....GET OVER IT!!!! Look around you people. How many mixed racial marriages and relationships do you see? And if you're so like anti-black or w/e then why are you letting your kids go to a public school? AND what did they ever do to you? I mean have they harmed you in any way? Maybe they have and maybe they haven't, but why hold a grudge against and entire race for what one person might have done? AND....guess what?! Obama is HALF WHITE AND HALF BLACK. So, if you're hating him, are you hating your own race? His mother was white and his father was black. In fact, he hardly had anything to do with his father. He was raised mostly by his grandmother, his white grandmother. ...And this is the only other one that I can think of...3) He is the anti-christ. - Really?! I think this is probably the most ridiculous one I've heard yet. Ok, people, read your Bible. It says that the anti-christ is of middle eastern decent. If I could find the Bible passage I would put it on here. I'll look for it later and try to post it when I get a chance. ANYWAYS!! That goes back to accusation number 2. He's mixed!! He's half black and half white. He is not of middle eastern decent.

In conclusion, I'm tired of all these accusations against him. If you're going to say it, please have something to back it up. That's all I'm saying.

I think I'm going to stop here for the night. I will work on getting on here regularly.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009


So first off, grr. Why? because I'm only taking 2 classes this semester. Usually this would make most people happy right? Yea, well not me. I need to get my stupid Associate's degree so I can work on a degree in Radiology. Why am I only taking two classes you ask? Because the history teacher I have now sucks! Sorry, but she does. She's so confusing and I just don't feel like I'll be learning much in her class. My intentions were to drop her class and then add another one, but apparently the cut off date for that was Sunday. So now, I have two classes...actually just one. Because I don't really have to do much for yoga. So my only REAL class is Survey of the Old Testament. So what does this mean exactly? I will have A LOT of classes next semester :(. So more class and less working. GRR ON LIFE!!

So aside from school, nothing else is really going on. Well, I mean work is the same. Did I mention about the whole situation there? I don't think I did. Well, to make a long story short, there's a manager there, part time assistant manager, who I guess hates me now. I don't know and honestly I don't care! I'll have to do a separate blog as to why she could possibly hate me. But she's just being pretty much a bitch. So I'm like what the hell? And I'm just trying to work and not mess up my promotion. Oh yea...I'm going to be key holder for the holidays. Basically that's like a part time assistant manager who can only open by herself. Starts this month. Which is good. I need the extra hours.

So, I guess that's all i'm going to write for right now. I'll get a blog up later about what's going on between me and that girl.